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Alex last won the day on November 26 2021

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About Alex

  • Birthday 02/21/1975

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  1. Translation to English: If you are looking for used ABS modules. You can provide us with the details and send it to this email: [email protected] We are SHELITA Leveraging decades of manufacturing expertise and cutting-edge technology, SHELITA is steadfast in its commitment to providing customers with reliable and cost-effective automotive parts. We continuously improve our designs and materials, actively promote smart manufacturing processes, and maintain unwavering production quality, all in an effort to exceed customer expectations. Main product lines: bumpers, grilles, radiator brackets, lights, bearings, door mirrors and various metal parts for European, American, Chinese and Japanese models.
  2. Parts ID Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Dec. 26, moving forward with plans to restructure and reduce debt. The ecommerce retailer sells automotive parts through CarID.com, TruckID.com and CamperID.com. https://www.digitalcommerce360.com/2024/01/02/parts-id-files-for-bankruptcy/amp/
  3. Looks like 1965-1967. Ebay ad below for comparison
  4. When you say sport pads, are you referring to high performance pads? If they make them for the rear, you can put them on.
  5. Not sure what that's from, any #s on the other side?
  6. Removed your link to that page and posted a screenshot of the fuel door. There is nothing much to try there, it sticks on to your existing door from what I can tell. That's not for a 2010 Subaru Forester, which is not round. That's not a factory door, its a visual enhancement. Fuel door is not round:
  7. Did you ever figure out what this fits?
  8. What did you end up doing?
  9. Can you flip them around and take a picture of the backside? Are those vents because they don't look like they open up. Almost looks like some sort of vintage center caps. What's the diameter?
  10. Try contacting Wagner tech support: https://www.wagnerbrake.com/contact.html
  11. Look up vintage Ferrari. Here's one on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/183864294393?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28
  12. You can probbaly just make it with some brake line. I looked and don't see a GM part #.
  13. I see that now. Did your silverado come with the mirrors in the video below? You may have to find these either factory or on ebay like: I'm not sure if 1500 would fit like these:
  14. How about a set if these off of Amazon that fit a 2015-2020 Chevy Silverado 2500 HD:

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